Source code for devourer.api

.. module:: api
    :platform: Unix, Windows
    :synopsis: This module contains a generator of declarative, object-oriented API representation and
     all the helper classes it requires to work.

import json
from string import Formatter
from six import with_metaclass
import requests

__all__ = ['APIMethod', 'GenericAPI', 'APIError', 'PrepareCallArgs']

# Allows only HTTP methods. To use devourer as non-REST API wrapper, you can
# inherit from APIMethod with whatever functionality you need and just use
# your subclass in declarative syntax.
ALLOWED_HTTP_METHODS = ['head', 'options', 'get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'patch', 'trace', 'connect']

[docs]class APIError(Exception): """ An error while querying the API. """ def __init__(self, message, **kwargs): """ Accept additional payload contained in exception object. :param kwargs: """ super(APIError, self).__init__(message) self.response = kwargs.pop('response', None)
[docs]class PrepareCallArgs(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ An inner class containing properties required to fire off a request to an API. It's not a namedtuple because it provides default values. """ __slots__ = ['call', 'args', 'kwargs'] def __init__(self, call=None, args=None, kwargs=None): """ This method initializes the instance's properties with sane defaults. :param call: a callable that should be used to request the API. :param args: arguments passed to that function. :param kwargs: keyword arguments passed to that function. :returns: None """ = call or (lambda *arguments, **keywords: None) self.args = args or [] self.kwargs = kwargs or {}
[docs]class APIMethod(object): """ This class represents a single method in an API. It's able to dynamically create request URL using schema and call parameters. The schema uses Python 3-style string formatting. Usually you don't need to call any methods by hand. Example: >>> post = APIMethod('get', 'post/{id}/') """ def __init__(self, http_method, schema, requests_kwargs=None): """ This method initializes instance's properties, especially schema and parameters list which is inferred from schema. :param schema: Python 3-style format string containing relative method address with parameters. :param http_method: HTTP method to call the API method with. :param requests_kwargs: any additional keyword arguments to be passed to requests call. :returns: None """ = None if http_method not in ALLOWED_HTTP_METHODS: raise ValueError('Unsupported HTTP method: {}'.format(http_method)) self.http_method = http_method self._params = [] self._schema = None self.schema = schema self.requests_kwargs = requests_kwargs or {} @property def schema(self): """ Method's address relative to API address. :returns: Method's address relative to API address. """ return self._schema @schema.setter def schema(self, schema): """ This method updates method's address schema and available parameters list. :param schema: Python 3-style format string containing relative method address with parameters. :return: None """ self._schema = schema self._params = [a[1] for a in Formatter().parse(self.schema) if a[1]] @property def params(self): """ List of available parameters for this method. :returns: List of available parameters for this method. """ return self._params def __call__(self, api, payload=None, data=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """ This method sends a request to API through invoke function from API object the method is assigned to. It calls invoke with formatted schema, additional arguments and http method already calculated. :param kwargs: Additional parameters to be passed to remote API. :param payload: The POST body to send along with the request as JSON. :param data: Dict or encoded string to be sent as request body. :param headers: Dict of headers to be send along with api call. :returns: API request's result. """ params = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key not in self.params} if self.params: schema = self.schema.format(**kwargs) else: schema = self.schema return api.invoke(self.http_method, schema, params=params, data=data, payload=payload, headers=headers, requests_kwargs=self.requests_kwargs)
[docs]class GenericAPICreator(type): """ This creator is a metaclass (it's a subclass of type, not object) responsible for creating and injecting helper methods as well as connecting APIMethods with GenericAPI. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): """ This method creates a new class and prepares it to use by creating and injecting helper methods (if they were not provided) and assigns APIMethods to created class. """ methods = {} # We don't want to modify the base classes, just the implementations of them. methods_from = None for base in bases: if issubclass(base, GenericAPIBase): methods_from = base break if methods_from is None: raise AttributeError("{} using GenericApiCreator without inheriting from GenericAPIBase.") attrs['_methods'] = getattr(methods_from, '_methods', None) if attrs['_methods'] is None: attrs['_methods'] = {} else: attrs['_methods'] = attrs['_methods'].copy() for key, item in attrs.items(): if isinstance(item, APIMethod): attrs['_methods'][key] = item = key methods['prepare_{}'.format(key)] = attrs['prepare'] if \ 'prepare' in attrs else methods_from.prepare methods['{}'.format(key)] = attrs['call_{}'.format(key)] if \ 'call_{}'.format(key) in attrs else methods_from.outer_call(key) methods['finalize_{}'.format(key)] = attrs['finalize'] if \ 'finalize' in attrs else methods_from.finalize for key in attrs['_methods']: if key in attrs: del attrs[key] if 'call_{}'.format(key) in attrs: del attrs['call_{}'.format(key)] methods.update(attrs) model = super(GenericAPICreator, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, methods) return model
[docs]class GenericAPIBase(object): """This is the base API representation class without declarative syntax. Requires GenericAPICreator metaclass to work. :type _methods: dict """ _methods = None def __init__(self, url, auth, throw_on_error=False, load_json=False, headers=None): """ This method initializes a concrete API class. :param url: API's base address :param auth: a tuple (user, password) for HTTP authentication, None for no authentication, requests' Auth object otherwise. :param throw_on_error: should an error be thrown on response with code >= 400 (True) or full response object be returned (False). :param headers: Headers to be passed to requests call. :returns: None """ self.url = url self.auth = auth self.throw_on_error = throw_on_error self.load_json = load_json self.headers = headers for item in self._methods.values(): item.api = self
[docs] def prepare(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ This function is a pre-request hook. It receives the exact same parameters as the API method call and the name of the method. It should return a PrepareCallArgs instance. By default it doesn't change the args and selects 'name' method from the class declaration as the callable to execute. :param name: name of API method to call. :param args: non-keyword arguments of API method call. :param kwargs: keyword arguments of API method call. :returns: PrepareCallArgs instance """ return PrepareCallArgs(call=self._methods[name], args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
[docs] def finalize(self, name, result, *args, **kwargs): """ Post-request hook. By default it takes care of throw_on_error and returns response content. :param name: name of the called method. :param result: requests' response object. :param args: non-keyword arguments of API method call. :param kwargs: keyword arguments of API method call. :returns: result.content """ if self.throw_on_error and result.status_code >= 400: error_msg = "Error when invoking {} with parameters {} {}: {}" raise APIError(error_msg.format(name, args, kwargs, result.__dict__), response=result) if self.load_json: content = result.content if isinstance(result.content, str) else result.content.decode('utf-8') return json.loads(content) return result.content
[docs] def call(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ This function invokes the API method from the class declaration according to the name parameter along with all the hooks. :param name: name of method to call. :param args: non-keyword arguments of API method call. :param kwargs: keyword arguments of API method call. :returns: Result of finalize_method call, by default content of API's response. """ prepared = getattr(self, 'prepare_{}'.format(name))(name, *args, **kwargs) return getattr(self, 'finalize_{}'.format(name))(name,, *prepared.args, **prepared.kwargs), *prepared.args, **prepared.kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def outer_call(cls, name): """ This is a wrapper creating anonymous function invoking call with correct method name. :param name: Name of method for which call wrapper has to be created. :returns: drop-in call replacement lambda. """ return lambda obj, *args, **kwargs:, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def invoke(self, http_method, url, params, data=None, payload=None, headers=None, requests_kwargs=None): """ This method makes a request to given API address concatenating the method path and passing along authentication data. :param http_method: http method to be used for this call. :param url: exact address to be concatenated to API address. :param data: dict or encoded string to be sent as request body. :param payload: the payload dictionary to be sent in body of the request, encoded as JSON. :param headers: the headers to be sent with http request. :returns: response object as in requests. """ headers = headers or self.headers kwargs = requests_kwargs or {} return getattr(requests, http_method)(self.url + url, auth=self.auth, params=params, data=data, json=payload, headers=headers, **kwargs)
[docs]class GenericAPI(with_metaclass(GenericAPICreator, GenericAPIBase)): """This is the base API representation class. You can build a concrete API by declaring methods while creating the class, ie.: >>> class MyAPI(GenericAPI): >>> method1 = APIMethod('get', 'people/') >>> method2 = APIMethod('post', 'my/news/items/') Hooks can be overridden globally: >>> def prepare(self, name, **args, **kwargs): >>> return PrepareCallArgs(call=self._methods[name], >>> args=args, >>> kwargs=kwargs) As well as for particular methods only: >>> def prepare_method1(self, name, *args, **kwargs): >>> return PrepareCallArgs(call=self._methods[name], >>> args=args, >>> kwargs=kwargs) >>> def call_method1(self, name, *args, **kwargs): >>> prepared = getattr(self, 'prepare_{}'.format(name)) >>> prepared = prepared(name, *args, **kwargs) >>> callback = getattr(self, 'finalize_{}'.format(name)) >>> return callback(name, >>>*prepared.args, >>> **prepared.kwargs), >>> *prepared.args, >>> **prepared.kwargs) >>> def finalize_method2(self, name, result, *args, **kwargs): >>> if self.throw_on_error and result.status_code >= 400: >>> error_msg = "Error when invoking {} with parameters {} {}: {}" >>> params = (name, args, kwargs, result.__dict__) >>> raise APIError(error_msg.format(*params)) >>> if self.load_json: >>> return json.loads(result.content) >>> return result.content """